UCPNA organizes training workshops of parents/Caregiver of children with cerebral palsy ageing 3 to 12…

UCPNA partners support towards the Day Care centre
Coca-Cola Corporate staff sharing moments with parents/caregivers of children with cerebral palsy during the meeting at the Day Care Centre- St. Charles Lwanga after delivering 60 Matrasses and 60 Beds from Coca-cola Company.
UCPNA Executive Director giving a word of appreciation to the Coca-Cola staff for the great kind of supported towards the Day Care Centre development. “I do know how much I can thank you and may you continue with that kind spirit of support to improve well-being of our children, and lobbying for more support complete the construction of the remaining building block”. Says the Director.
Coca-Cola staff having a chat moment of child with cerebral palsy at the centre after delivering matrasses and Beds. UCPNA staff, Coca-Cola staff and Parents/caregivers receiving a donation of Matrasses and Beds from Coca-Cola Company toward supporting the development of the Day Care center at St. Lwanga in Bukerere Mukono.
UCPNA staff and Rose Academies staff in a group photo after a partnership meeting held at UCPNA Offices. The Rose Academies contributed 13 bags of cement to furnish the Day Care Centre Facility at St. Charles Lwanga.
Susan and Clare of Rose Academies Uganda having a moment chat with one of Parents/caregivers at the Day- Centre during the Visit at St. Charles Lwanga in Bukerere Mukono disrtrict.